Hi, I'm Swarna..

I’m on a mission to empower women to connect to their authentic self, build unwavering confidence that radiates from within and create a life of deep meaning.


As your coach, I’d like to see you return back to your authentic self, your dreams and the whispers of your heart – those whispers you may be too afraid to voice at the moment. I want to see you living a life of fulfillment, joy and inner peace. I want to see you expressing yourself in the ways that are a part of your original blueprint. My number one value as your coach is to create a safe space for you where you have the freedom to reflect and express not only what you dream of and what you’d like to see happening in your life, but also those pain points, those not-so-comfortable topics that may be even holding you back. And we’ll work on your mindset so you’ll feel empowered to make your dreams into reality. I’ll be your cheerleader on this journey!


I’m a trauma-informed Jay Shetty certified life coach and a certified mind-body coach. I also hold a Master’s degree in Pharmacy and I’m a trained contemporary dancer. A few years ago, I decided realign my career from pharmacy to dancing because I didn’t want to look back on my life and regret all the things I didn’t do. I wanted to be an empowered woman, capable of making her dreams come true and live the life she actually wants to live and not the life other people expected her to live. While still passionate about science, I was happy to awaken the part of my heart that lived for dancing and creativity.

In 2021, I went through an incredible 3 month group coaching program, where I dove into the depths of my heart and soul and met the negative beliefs and fears that were holding me back. Until then, I had been too scared to explore those parts of me, but I knew that in order to create the life that I wanted, I needed to clear out some garbage. It was the first time in my life where I could be myself without a fear of judgement. 

I tapped into a new sense of authenticity and power that came from peeling back the layers of social conditioning concerning what it is that I’m “supposed” to do with my life. I found a new state of self-acceptance and self-compassion, I learned to appreciate my dreams and desires and the parts of me I had previously not liked so much.

This powerful experience made me realize there must be many others out there as well who experience similar feelings to mine and I was not wrong. I found that many of us suffer in silence, feeling ashamed of our current situation and not knowing what to do about it. What I experienced on my journey has changed my life and I wanted to facilitate a journey like that to others too. All of those events led me to the Jay Shetty Certification School.

However, one of the most essential parts of my growth journey was yet to appear. In 2022, my nervous system dysregulated badly due to ongoing emotional stress to the extent that I wasn’t able to stand up quickly, climb up the stairs or even wash my own hair. I suffered from anxiety, strong fatigue and heart arrhythmias. As a professional dancer, it felt like losing a crucial part of my identity – not being able to move my body. At the same time, I had a deep inner knowing it was an invitation to go even deeper, heal past trauma and access a deeper layer of my own authenticity through my struggle. I learned an arsenal of nervous system regulating tools and embodied body based practices in order to help my nervous system to recover. I found the strength to do a certification in the process and became a somatic trauma-informed coach.

My passion now is to help other women shine, become more confident in themselves and live out their true purpose in life instead of settling for a life that is not fulfilling.

Trust me, what you dream of is possible!

Education & Training

Master of Science (Pharmacy)

Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach

Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification (The Embody Lab)

Mind-Body Coach (The Embody Lab)

Professional contemporary dancer

Follow @swarnahelena